We keep up with the good, the bad, and the future of nightlife.
We want to discover your thoughts on the local weekend and nightlife scene. Whether you’re working behind the scenes, creating the buzz, or enjoying a night out, your perspective can help shape the future of nighttime food, leisure, and entertainment in your region.
This survey is designed to capture the pulse of local nightlife, highlighting what makes it special, identifying areas for improvement, and imagining the future. We’re eager to hear about your experiences at nighttime eateries, nightclubs, lounges, pubs, and outdoor spaces. Tell us how you discover new things to do and what could make you go out more often.
Your feedback will inform our semi-annual nightlife report and seasonal magazine that paints the night in vibrant detail. Your feedback will influence future improvements that ensure that our nightlife scene continues to thrive and evolve. Together, we can create a nightlife that’s safe, inclusive, and full of energy. So, speak up so you can boogie down! Take the 3-minute Nightlife Survey tonight.